
  • Cat. Artist(s) Press Title(s) Size Ctry Subject Poster(s)
    Cat. Info Posters
  • A Amida Deen & Aantu Waday New North Press Don’t Judge Me 64 × 45 cm UK #injustice

    Made in reaction to having A-level exam results down-graded.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • B Bob and Roberta Smith New North Press Dear Bob 64 × 45.5 cm UK #protest

    A sideways look at activism.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • C [anonymous asylum seeker] New North Press Face to Face, Facebook, Face Mask 64 × 48.5 cm UK #technology

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • D Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux New North Press Rebel/Create 50 × 70 cm UK #extinctionrebellion

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • E Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux New North Press Boulots de Merde 50 × 70 cm UK #extinctionrebellion

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • F Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux New North Press Fairness 70 × 50 cm UK #extinctionrebellion

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • G Ifeoma Orjiekwe / Heart n Soul New North Press No Abuse to People with Learning Disabilities 45.5 × 64 cm UK #injustice

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • H Ono Dafedjaiye / Heart n Soul New North Press Stop Universal Credit 64 × 46 cm UK #universalcredit

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • I Shelley Bird / Heart n Soul New North Press Put Phone Away 45.5 × 64 cm UK #safety

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • J David McNicholas / Heart n Soul New North Press Walk Next to Me 45 × 64 cm UK #tollerance

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • K Jide / Heart n Soul New North Press Against Racism 45.5 × 64 cm UK #racsim

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • L Jane Plüer New North Press Yes, panic 29.7 × 42 cm UK #panic

    There is a time and place for ‘Keep calm and carry on’ – but I propose a new line that stirs people into action: ‘Yes, panic’. A deadline in design often helps spur you on to find a solution, so a healthy sense of urgency can hopefully also work in terms of global issues and inspire people to act and help steer the world in a better direction.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • M John Anstiss New North Press The Extinction Will Not be Televised 50 × 70 cm UK #climatecrisis

    I am indebted to Gill Scott Heron an aspiring poet and performer. He has lead the way in stirring the spirits of many of us who seek radical change.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • N Jolyon Fox New North Press Denied 40 × 61.5 cm UK #climatecrisis

    This was inspired by the school strikes for climate, which made me think about children’s rights and who has the most to lose.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • O Jolyon Fox New North Press Boring 53 × 39 cm UK #protest

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • P Katherine Hamnett New North Press Save the Earth 45 × 64 cm UK #climatecrisis

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Q Malcolm Garrett New North Press F for Fact 45.5 × 64 cm UK #fakenews

    No truth is absolute.
    No fact faced without friction.
    Replace all that is fake
    with authenticity and integrity
    ... for fuck’s sake.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • R Mark Titchner New North Press It is you I still love the most 53 × 77 cm UK #protest

    A soundbite from a cassette course in Neuro Linguistic Programming or a description of the social political loops we find ourselves locked in?

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • S Peter Ashton-Jones New North Press No Algorithms Here 70 × 50 cm UK #technology

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • T Peter Kennard New North Press Sell/Bomb/Refuse 34 × 51.5 cm UK #war

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • U Peter Kennard New North Press Visible/Invisible 60 × 83.7 cm UK #equality

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • V Peter Kennard New North Press Another World is Possible 49 × 72 cm UK #war

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • W Sarah Boris New North Press Untitled 50 × 65.5 cm UK #protest

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • X Stevey Scullion New North Press Silent Protest 44 × 59 cm UK #protest

    A three-dimensional language. Using British Sign Language the poster spells out the words Silent and Protest.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Y Stewart Lee New North Press You Can Prove Anything with Facts 45 × 64 cm UK #fakenews

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Z Stewart Lee New North Press Boris_Johnson 48 × 64 cm UK #borisjohnson

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • 1 Ane Thon Knutsen KHiO I See Red - every month. like most women. stigma around menstruation is a violation of human right. 21 × 29.7 cm NO #womensrights

    The poster is about stigma and discrimination due to menstruation. 50% of the population menstruate at some point. In many countries, the life of women become limited when they start to menstruate. For many girls this means loosing access to schooling, lack of sufficient hygiene measures and also puts them in danger of being married of without consent. In the western world tampons and pads are marketed as "luxury products", illustrated by blue fluid. Menstruation is still strongly linked to shame, something that should be hid away, which some women in fact are when they have their periods. Even so menstruation is fundamental for human life to exist, something that should be celebrated. I have attempted to make the message nearly hidden by printing red on red - the color of blood - and also symbolize anger, love, passion and revolution. But you need to come close, as the message is partly hidden in plain sight, like a secret being whispered from one girl to another.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 2 Theo Wang Mary Wollstonecraft – Justice Not Charity 21 × 29.7 cm UK #womensrights

    This quote was taken from Mary Wollstonecraft's crucial piece of work: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, written in 1792 and even more than 200 years later, is still particularly relevant. A writer and philosopher far ahead of her time, her short book blisteringly argues for the education of women, increased female participation in everyday society and social order founded on reason.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 3 Theo Wang Immigration Made Me 21 × 29.7 cm UK #immigration

    We are all immigrants from somewhere, some more recently than others. This one's for those of us who wouldn't be here without our predecessors' paving the way, making new homes on foreign soil, mixing cultures, languages, traditions, genes. Celebrate the diaspora that made you!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 4 Theo Wang Nye Bevan - NHS In Place of Fear 21 × 29.7 cm UK #NHS

    We released this print to celebrate the creation of the Nation Health Service in the UK. Launched in 1948 by Aneurin Bevan, the health secretary, at Park Hospital in Manchester it was the climax of a hugely ambitious plan to bring good healthcare to all. This quote comes from his later book, In Place of Fear, published in 1952, and encapsulates the guiding principles of the NHS on it’s 70th anniversary

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 5 Phil Gambrill Fresh Lemon Print Time For Change 59.4 × 84.1 cm AU #protest

    A typographic letterpress poster influenced by the global equality protests... it is 'time for change'.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 6 Lars Amundsen & Matthias Beck Tipos en su tinta Sueños ahogados 70 × 50 cm ES #immigration

    From our place of residence, where this year the most risky migratory route to reach Europe has been reactivated, we talk about the incongruity between our values ?? that define us as humanity and the harsh reality in the migration process. The dreams and hopes that are left behind when they collide with the borders that humans have built between us.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 7 Justin Knopp JUST INK NOPP Everybody! ART! NOW! 45 × 64 cm UK #protest

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden type and lasercut hardboard.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 8 Justin Knopp JUST INK NOPP RESISTANCE is Fertile 42 × 59.4 cm UK #resist

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden typefaces, perspex-faced border units and P22-Blox modular ornaments

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 9 Justin Knopp JUST INK NOPP UNITY is Fertile 42 × 59.4 cm UK #unity

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden type, P22-Blox and lasercut geometric ornaments.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 10 Mary Plunkett The Belgrave Private Press Print, Protest and the Polls: Response 38 × 53 cm IE #womensrights

    In 2018 Mary Plunkett was invited to make a response print to the National Print Museum's exhibition, "Print, Protest and The Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print media”. The Irish Women’s Franchise League was founded in 1908 as an organization for women’s suffrage. Its paper was ‘The Irish Citizen’, published from 1912 to 1920. To mark the centenary of the first female vote in Ireland and the impact of print, Mary chose to commemorate this radical newspaper and one of its founders, the Irish feminist, educator and journalist, Hanna Sheehy Skeffington. This letterpress print makes use of the Irish colours as the Irish suffragettes wore traditional dress to stand out from the other nationalities at the major rallies in Britain and is based on a quote from Hanna Sheehy Skeffington and the motto of the Irish Citizen, ‘For Men and Women Equally The Rights of Citizenship; For Men and Women Equally The Duties of Citizenship’.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 11 Dafi Kühne babyinktwice What a mess. 64 × 88 cm CH #consumerism

    Socio-critical poster printed from laser-cut and hand-torn MDF, hand-cut linoleum and metal type. 2017, edition of 1500.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 12 Dafi Kühne babyinktwice Make love, not Tanzverbot 44.5 × 64 cm CH #dancing

    This poster for a club was fighting agains an old law, that would prohibit to dance on certain holidays. Like for example it was allowed to have a party on Christmas evening, you were allowed to dring and everything. But just not to dance! I made this poster for the club season when there was a vote – the law got killed. 

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 13 Dafi Kühne babyinktwice Death to the print! 55 × 88 cm CH #print

    Is it a protest? It sure is!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 14 Jennifer Farrell Starshaped Press Ladies! The Forced Birth Movement is for You! 25.4 × 50.8 cm US #womensrights

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 15 Jennifer Farrell Starshaped Press Ladies! Being Singled Out by Gender vs. Ability is a Confidence Boost! 25.4 × 50.8 cm US #womensrights

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 16 Jennifer Farrell Starshaped Press Ladies! You Don't Need Single Payer Health Care! 25.4 × 50.8 cm US #womensrights

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 17 John Christopher Flowers & Fleurons Greenhouse Gasses 36 × 52 cm UK #climatecrisis

    Two colour letterpress poster on the theme of climate change using the chemical formulae of the greenhouse gases Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide to form the copy.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 18 John Christopher Flowers & Fleurons Velorution . Revolution 36 × 52 cm UK #cycling

    Letterpress poster printed using recycled bicycle sprockets to reinforce the 'Recycle the Roads' message

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 19 John Christopher Flowers & Fleurons Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down 36 × 52 cm UK #protest

    A red Handmaiden formed by an inverted exclamation mark is trapped within a block of text 'Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum' which has been overprinted multiple times to create a barely legible block.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 20 John Christopher Flowers & Fleurons We Got Brexit Dumb 36 × 41.5 cm UK #brexit

    Conmenmorative Print [typo intentional]. Printed onto 250gsm 100% cotton paper with vintage letterpress type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 21 Paolo Celotto Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione Verità per Giulio Regeni / Truth for Giulio Regeni 50 × 70 cm IT #corruption

    Giulio Regeni was killed in Egypt in 2016 and his body found along a road, in terrible conditions. Silence by the Egyptian government is a big deal in this case. Giulio's family is still waiting for the truth.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 22 Phil Abel Hand & Eye Editions Rise Like Lions 50 × 70 cm UK #protest

    The last verse of PB Shelley's Mask of Anarchy set in wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 23 Phil Abel Hand & Eye Editions Five Democratic Tests 50 × 70 cm UK #government

    A quote from Tony Benn's farewell speech in the House of Commons overprinted on a photograph of him. Printed from metal type and photopolymer plate.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 24 Phil Abel Hand & Eye Editions Orgreave 45 × 64 cm UK #policeviolence

    Printed in wood and metal type on yellow paper. The proceeds of any sales will be sent in full to the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 25 Luise Valentiner Trigger press When's the riot? 23.5 × 70 cm UK #government

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 26 Luise Valentiner Trigger press BREXSHIT 50 × 70 cm UK #brexit

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 27 Luise Valentiner Trigger press KKKakistocracy 45 × 54 cm UK #government

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 28 Rozemarijn Oudejans Studio Zeedauw Stay the fuck home 35 × 50 cm NL #covid19

    Inspired by the covid-19 lockdown measures in The Netherlands. I saw so many people still getting together, not keeping safe distance, while at the same time doctors and nurses were working overtime to save lives. So I printed a poster to hang in the window to urge people to really stay the fuck home. Letterpress printed with wooden letters and linocut shapes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 29 Rozemarijn Oudejans Studio Zeedauw #resist 25 × 35 cm NL #technology

    Printed for Letterpress Workers 2019. Inspiration: resist your computer-, smartphone-, laptop-, iPad-screen and do more offline! Printed with wood type, hand-cut wood hashtags, lasercut plywood shapes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 30 Rozemarijn Oudejans Studio Zeedauw Subordination 35 × 50 cm NL #womensrights

    'Ik heb geen talent voor ondergeschiktheid' ('I have no talent for subordination') is a quote by 18th century Dutch female writer and composer Belle van Zuylen. It is a quote close to my heart. Printed with wood type, hand-inked, in cooperation with Crisje van Leest (Atelier Letterpret).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 31 Caren Florance Ampersand Duck Shameless 1: What Future No Comment 42 × 59.4 cm AU #protest

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 32 Caren Florance Ampersand Duck Shameless 2: Will Kill for Coal 42 × 59.2 cm AU #environment

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 33 Caren Florance Ampersand Duck Shameless 3: Go Back to Netflix 42 × 59.4 cm AU #technology

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 34 Matthew Leach Fireater Protect our Winters 50 × 50 cm UK #climatecrisis

    Protect our Winters. We must all be more aware of the warming of our world. A simple and impactful poster representing this fact.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 35 Matt Tilbury The Tilbury Press Daddy 23.5 × 40 cm AU #climatecrisis

    Climate change, I feel, is the biggest issue facing humanity on this planet. Not enough is being done to combat the earths decline. This print was inspired by the well known recruitment poster from the Great War, 1915.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 36 Matt Tilbury The Tilbury Press Mummy 23 × 40 cm AU #climatecrisis

    A sister piece to the Daddy what did you do to fight climate change? This print is an adaption of a well known graffiti; A nation of sheep, led by wolves, owned by pigs.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 37 Matt Tilbury The Tilbury Press Covid Don't Surf 23 × 41 cm AU #covid19

    Local councils banned surfing and ocean swimming whilst we were all social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Though walking, jogging and cycling were still allowed. Being in the water is critical for many Bondi locals for mental wellbeing. Inspiration from Apocalypse Now's General Kilgore's remarks about Charlie's Point. Footnote: The ban was overturned and we are now back in the water.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 38 Pea Crabtree Lucky Budgie Print Studio Shame 40 × 64 cm UK #protest

    Words: Howard Zinn. Made in the time of Covid-19 after ten years of austerity and Brexit using traditional letterpress processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 39 Pea Crabtree Lucky Budgie Print Studio Every Human Being 40 × 64 cm UK #equality

    Words: Howard Zinn. Made in the time of Covid-19 after ten years of austerity and Brexit using traditional letterpress processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 40 Claudio Madella Goodtypes Class Solidarity 30 × 40 cm IT #solidarity

    Fragment from a speech of Harry Bridges

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 41 Claudio Madella Goodtypes Il Capitalismo non è biodegradabile (Capitalism is not biodegradable) 30 × 30 cm IT #environment

    Quote from Dario Fiori

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 42 Cabaret Typographie GRL PWR 35 × 50 cm IT #womensrights

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 43 Theo Miller Sending Smoke Signals 18.2 × 24.7 cm UK #policeviolence

    Sending Smoke Signals is printed with 24pt Square Border. The smoke signal is an ancient form of long distance communication; a signal of danger or distress. This print is based on media images of the police clashing with innocent protestors. The smoke is of flares and tear gas; familiar images seen across the world. A cry for help.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 44 Nick Hand The Letterpress Collective Queen Square Riot, Bristol 1831 100 × 38 cm UK #government

    This print commemorates the working people who formed an uprising to protest the rejection of a reform bill in the House of Lords which would have enabled working men to have a vote. The Queen Square riot, with other protests, led to the formation of the Chartist and Suffragette movements.

    Lino cut by artist Luke Carter. Printed letterpress in three colours on Somerset Buff. Printed on the FAG Swiss Proof 40 and Albion Press. Hand-set type and wooden decorative rules. The text has been printed on the Albion Press that was made one year after the Riots in 1832.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 45 Nick Hand The Letterpress Collective No one can own a river 28 × 67 cm UK #environment

    Letterpress-printed poster to mark the publication of Richard King’s book The Lark Ascending. Water illustration by Jon McNaught. Printed four colours on a FAG Swissproof press. The second image relates to some graffiti scratched onto a sign forbidding entry on the banks of the River Wye.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 46 Chris Sleath Veloset Press Rise Up 29 × 59 cm UK #print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 47 Chris Sleath Veloset Press NO PROTEST 15 × 59.5 cm UK #protest

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 48 Erik Spiekermann Fakt/Fake 70 × 50 cm DE #fakenews

    Printed on Meta Paper Rough Warm White 160 gsm in Black and Red Day-Glo ink. From original 40 cic Artz wood type on our Korrex Berlin Special Kraft.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 49 Erik Spiekermann Truck Fump 70 × 50 cm DE #trump

    TRUCK FUMP! as a postcard, printed letterpress in a very limited edition by hand on a Boston Platen Press in Red Day-Glo ink, set in 72 point Block metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 50 Erik Spiekermann Unplug 70 × 50 cm DE #technology

    Printed on MetaPaper Rough Warm White 160 gsm in Black and Pantone Warm Red ink. From original wood and metal type on our Korrex Frankfurt.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 51 David Clifford Black Stone Press No Oil 28 × 39 cm CA #climatecrisis

    Leave oil in the ground

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 52 Brendan Hibbert ALWAYS WAS! ALWAYS WILL BE! 45 × 84 cm AU #equality

    The NAIDOC 2020 theme – Always Was, Always Will Be – recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. This poster invites all Australians to embrace and acknowledge the true history of this country – a history which dates back thousands of generations.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 53 Jennifer Graves I AM MY SISTER'S/ BROTHER'S KEEPER 38 × 50 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    I AM MY SISTER'S/ BROTHER'S KEEPER is strictly letterpress printed. Inspired by the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers and lack of accountability for the murder of Breonna Taylor. These are two, but there are so many more. Now is a time when people are speaking out and are demanding justice for the injustices, demanding justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. I AM MY SISTER'S KEEPER means we watch out, protect, show up, love, and care for one another. When we become our sister and brother's keeper, positive changes can happen. The printing of these protest posters are intentionally kept clean, a solid background to signify solidarity and handset wood type printed in black that embodies strength on a heavy bristol paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 54 Anthony Burrill No Safe Place 50 × 70 cm UK #climatecrisis

    Screen-printed poster using charcoal from the Australian bush fires as a printing medium.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 55 Anthony Burrill HOPE 50 × 70 cm UK #war

    Screen-print poster sold to raise funds for War Child charity

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 56 Anthony Burrill ASK MORE QUESTIONS 50 × 70 cm UK #blacklivesmatter

    Screen-print poster sold to raise funds for 'The Black Curriculum'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 57 Mitch Blessing Bemidji State University Moderation/Compromise 12 × 16 cm US #government

    Letterpress poster from a limited edition of 10. Hand-pulled. Two-color.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 58 Joe Swift Distant Press We are all connected 34.5 × 42 cm UK #brexit

    Letterpress print from wood and metal type. A plea to UK citizens to find common ground in the aftermath of the UK 'Brexit' referendum and subsequent UK departure from the EU at the end of January 2020.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 59 Emily Wismer Lady Pilot Letterpress Black Lives Matter/Dismantle White Supremacy 32 × 49 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    We created this poster with our design partner from @clearlyrecords in response to the Black Lives Matter protests in the US. We printed several versions on a Vandercook Universal 1 and sold the posters to support a local organization that works with young people to increase opportunities in education and the arts. We can't think of anything more important in the arts right now than giving voice to people around the world fighting for justice.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 60 Frank Baseman Base Press Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. – James Baldwin 13 × 20 cm US #protest

    While doing some information gathering and research in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing at the hands of the police, I came across the documentary "I Am Not Your Negro," on American poet, writer and civil rights activist, James Baldwin. This quote from the film resonated with me: "Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced." Not only does it speak to the social and racial unrest going on in America--and worldwide--but I think it also pertains to so many other facets of life.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 61 Frank Baseman Base Press No shoes, no shirt, no mask! No service 10 × 13 cm US #covid19

    Riffing off of the often seen sign in stores, "No shoes, no shirt, no service," I made a new version as a sign of these times, inserting the mask.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 62 Frank Baseman Base Press Printing is my form of social distancing 10 × 13 cm US #covid19

    It's actually true, that whenI am printing I am practicing social distancing--naturally, and during normal times as well as during the Covid pandemic.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 63 Elizabeth Fraser Frauhaus OBEY: You Must Not Relent 15 × 30 cm UK #protest

    We all obey different people, ideals & instructions in the multiple facets of our lives. Sometimes we feel self-determining, other times we squirm under perceived & actual authority. Life is rich and varied, the best we can do is keep our minds open & our wits about us. This print explores the uncomfortable duality of power via the lyrics of Inoculated City by The Clash.

    Printed using 6 line woodtype, 30pt Univers, 10pt baskerville italic and the woodwormed hand of oppression/revolt. Edition of 20.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 64 Elizabeth Fraser Frauhaus Then I let It Go Again... 30 × 15 cm UK #climatecrisis

    Appropriating a children's verse to highlight the environmental emergency of loss of marine life and diversity. The large woodtype 5 in this print becomes a net with the last little fishy escaping from its negative space, to a hopefully better future...or perhaps contained within the bowl as a symbol of loss. Which interpretation will prove to be our grandchildren's reality as we teach them this rhyme?

    Printed using woodtype number orphans and Bodoni Ultra metal type. Edition of 20

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 65 Elizabeth Fraser Frauhaus How Dare You! 15 × 30 cm UK #climatecrisis

    In chaos theory butterflies are powerful metaphors for insignificant tiny actions and their ultimate unintended massive consequences. This couplet from Blake’s Auguries of Innocence written in the 1800’s intertwines with the words of Greta Thunberg from the 2020’s. Together they emphasise the disgrace of our human history of reckless disregard for our precious home, the Earth.

    Printed in 5 passes using 1 butterfly block, 8-Line woodtype and 10pt Univers. Edition of 20

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 66 Armina Ghazaryan Type & Press If not us then who. If not now when. 29.7 × 42 cm BE #protest

    If not us then who. If not now when. Letterpress printed poster using wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 67 Armina Ghazaryan Type & Press Stop premature Christmas decorating. Thank you. 29.7 × 42 cm BE #protest

    Typeset from wood & metal type and printed on FAG Standard 510.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 68 Nicole Phillips TypographHer Rise 31 × 48 cm NZ #climatecrisis

    CLIMATE CHANGE: Like Sea Level We Rise, there has never been a more critical time to harness collective momentum for positive change. Letterpress and Linocut.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 69 Nicole Phillips TypographHer My Body My Choice 31 × 48 cm NZ #womensrights

    REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, My body, my words
    My thoughts, my doubts
    My hope, my pain
    My fears, my tears
    My voice, my choice
    My body, my choice

    Letterpress and polymer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 70 Nicole Phillips TypographHer Cock Ups 31 × 48 cm NZ #government

    Politics: Our systems are broken! With a dick in change expect cock-ups / when our leaders are dicks a whole lot of fucking is what we can expect. This poster was in part inspired by the grafitti on political billboards that litter our landscape in the lead up to our elections. Also in a form of self-plagiarism this print builds on the language of my 2017 red white and blue Trump protest prints and previous political prints created for pissed modernism and the future is female but is non specific to location (or dick) as the political failures are much broader than in the US.

    Letterpress and Polymer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 71 Morgan Hiscocks LUNALUX I understand that I'll never understand 33 × 48 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Historically, the printing press is meant to elevate voices; the printing press is freedom protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Upon the murder of George Floyd, amidst a global pandemic, I felt that the best thing to do was to react through my press. I wanted to make something that could be as loud or as passive as the person holding/hanging it preferred it to be. Because I am a white woman, I felt strongly about staying in my lane and only speaking on behalf of myself and other white allies. I set out to create something for those who are not ready to step outside their comfort zones by taking to the streets but wish to communicate their support for equality. It is my only hope that these prints provide some sense of solidarity for every set of eyes who view them.

    Handset wood and lead type printed on coated stock in black ink. Two-sided print.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 72 Gen Harrison typochondriacs BUY BYE 29.7 × 42 cm UK #consumerism

    BUY BYE is a response to our times and the mess we are in. It is hopefully the starting point for a larger series of works entitled the writing is on the wall. It was printed on a Farley Proofing Press which was rescued from Chelsea School of Art in the early 90s.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 73 Gen Harrison typochondriacs Metro Standard 57 × 36 cm UK #protest

    Metro Standard was printed on the Wharfedale Reliance at Robert Smail's Printing Works and is inspired by Wonk Unit's We are the England. Profits from the sale of this print will go to a local group supporting vulnerable children in Lothian and the Scottish Borders.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 74 Jesús Morentin BunkerType Spain... is different. 50 × 70 cm ES #government

    At the end of the 1930s, the artist and designer Gerd Arntz (1900-1988) joined the team of Otto Neurath, director of the Society and Economy Museum of Vienna, in a project that ended in 1934 with the creation of ISOTYPE, in The Hague (Holland). The project was about a graphic system in which the world could be described throughout synthetic images representing different fields ranging from industry or demography to politics or economics. Almost a century later the project “Spain … is different” participates, not only in the language of Arntz, but also in its critical spirit, portraying a (spanish) society resigned and submissive to the inequalities and abuses of the elites and their leaders, showing a system in which these wealthy classes are perpetuated while the differences between the first and second class citizens are magnified.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 75 Pete Burke mrBprints Climate Change Demo: 1 42 × 29.7 cm DK #climatecrisis


    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 76 Pete Burke mrBprints Climate Change Demo: 2 29.7 × 42 cm DK #climatecrisis

    I*M standing ON what I STAND FOR

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 77 Pete Burke mrBprints Climate Change Demo: 3 7 × 13 cm DK #climatecrisis


    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 78 Mike Ainsworth North or Nowt My kinda four part harmony 18.5 × 20 cm UK #government

    A catchy little number that i increasingly find circulating round my subconscious whenever i see or read the news now a days...

    Fuck those fucking tories

    Edition of 15. Printed in Hawthorn Mid Blue on Canson Yellow stock. 1 colour letterpress print, printers block and 14pt, 18pt, 24pt and 36pt Times Metal Type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 79 Mike Ainsworth North or Nowt There are no good cops until there are no bad cops OR Until there are no bad cops there are no good cops 18.2 × 36.4 cm UK #policeviolence

    I do not accept the idea that the murder and brutalisation of people of colour by police officers around the world as the actions of ‘a few bad cops’. Responding to the death of innocent civilians at the hands of a racist police force by saying ‘but it’s not all cops’ or ‘my relative is a cop and they’re not racist’ just isn’t gonna cut it. The actions of every officer of the law reflect the collective ideology of the justice system. Where murder and racism are actions that are protected and defended as opposed to met with outrage and imprisonment. Where officers resign in protest after their colleagues are disciplined for brutality and protect their buddies houses’ after they’ve killed an innocent human being. Where police officers claim victimisation for the treatment they receive for the choices they make, all whilst propping up a system that literally allows others to get away with murder in full view of the world without repercussions. Until there is a justice system that holds its enforcers accountable it must be regarded with suspicion and distrust, for it does not serve to protect the people. Can be exhibited one way up or the other, i'll leave it you to decide. Edition of 10. 3 colour letterpress print, print in 4, 6, 10 and 12 line Grotesque in Hawthorne Mid Blue, Vermillion and Jobbing Black

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 80 Gordon Chesterman Egremont Press Silence please. 30 × 77.5 cm UK #technology

    A letterpress poster printed for display on the walls of Cambridge University's Senate House to stop phone calls, recordings and pictures being taken during confidential or 'sensitive' University gatherings. The University Proctors

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 81 Annabelle Larner Noted! Press Respect the Source 28 × 43 cm US #womensrights

    Linoleum carving with wood type - created for the Women's March in Washington D.C., United States.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 82 Annabelle Larner Noted! Press Family Values 28 × 43 cm US #immigration

    Linoleum carving with wood type. Created for immigration detention center protest rally in Seattle, WA, United States.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 83 Christine Felce GPC studios The Tipping Point 50 × 70 cm UK #revolution

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 84 Christine Felce GPC studios Via Us 50 × 70 cm UK #revolution

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 85 Christine Felce GPC studios R is For Revolution 35 × 50 cm UK #revolution

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 86 Harry Richmond Big A, Little a Press Privatisation Receipt 24 × 42 cm UK #NHS

    A call to end the privatisation of British Industry, and to Save the NHS. Sold industries are shown as items on a receipt, with the dates they were sold as prices. Letterpressed using polymer plates in 2 layers on rich Adiron Blue 270g paper stock.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 87 Hannah Byles The Arts University Bournemouth Listen to the kids 29.2 × 41 cm UK #youngpeople

    My children and their future are the inspiration behind the protest poster. Mediums are Woodblock and digital.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 88 Joseph Warin The Arts University Bournemouth Us and Them 33 × 46 cm UK #protest

    Letterpress printing with furniture and wood type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 89 Alistair Wotton Heavy Rotations Fuck Tha Police 50 × 37 cm UK #policeviolence

    Printed metallic silver on cotton rag paper. This print was made with the sad realisation that all the positive changes I had expected as a teenager have not materialised. The oppression and systemic abuse and murder of black people has continued as it has for centuries.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 90 Alistair Wotton Heavy Rotations Sound of da Police 29 × 50 cm UK #policeviolence

    Printed metallic silver on cotton rag paper. This print was made with the sad realisation that all the positive changes I had expected as a teenager have not materialised. The oppression and systemic abuse and murder of black people has continued as it has for centuries.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 91 Klara Vith p_e_a_k_a_y Das ist das Haus 50 × 70 cm UK #housing

    Letterpress Triptych 1/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 92 Klara Vith p_e_a_k_a_y Das ist das Haus 50 × 70 cm UK #housing

    Letterpress Triptych 2/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 93 Klara Vith p_e_a_k_a_y Das ist das Haus 50 × 70 cm UK #housing

    Letterpress Triptych 3/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 94 Katherine and Andrea Fries UIndy This is Not a Moment 30 × 45 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Inspired by and created to take part in the city and nationwide protests for racial equality. Black Lives Matter. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 95 Katherine and Andrea Fries UIndy Love Wins 30 × 45 cm US #gayrights

    Celebrating the 5th and 6th Anniversaries of Marriage Equality in the state of Indiana and the United States. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 96 Katherine and Andrea Fries UIndy Good Trouble 30 × 45 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Celebrating the life of John Lewis and his important work for racial equality in the United States. His words are as important now as when he first said them. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 97 John Spencer Compensation 56 × 38 cm FR #blacklivesmatter

    Woodletter transferred to lithographic stone with letterpress.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 98 John Spencer Divine Right 38 × 54 cm FR #government

    Letterpress with relief print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 99 Mark Pavey Dead Methods What Truth Lies Beneath The Surface 30 × 40 cm UK #fakenews

    One colour letterpress print. Created by transferring a reversed linocut of the word LIES onto an inker brayer, before then rolling the brayer across the paper to create the positive printed background. Wood type was then overprinted on top.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 100 Mark Pavey Dead Methods It Is Not Words That Lie 30 × 40 cm UK #fakenews

    Four Colour Linocut and Letterpress Print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 101 Mark Pavey Dead Methods New Beginnings 20 × 29 cm UK #protest

    Two Colour Letterpress Print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 102 Michael Hepher Clawhammer Press Gender is a Construct 30.5 × 46 cm CA #gender

    I printed this poster on Neenah Enviro100 cover stock using hand-set wood type. The oblique typeface I used creates a cool double-angled motion that was an idea I've carried for a while in my head that was re-ignited by your 'Protest Posters' wordmark: using the opposite angles to play on in idea. This idea grew out of my own process of breaking down my culturally-taught binary gender system to allow room for diversity in my mind, and in my life. It's hard work, but we need to fight to change this so that kids, teens, and adults have the opportunity to be their authentic selves and be accepted, and welcomed.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 103 Carl Middleton Neat Governance 29.7 × 42 cm UK #government

    Two colour letterpress print - responding to the inability of government to empathise with the day-today experiences of the electorate.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 104 Carl Middleton Neat Spill Ink not Blood 45 × 64 cm UK #print

    Single colour letterpress print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 105 Carl Middleton Neat The Poor 45 × 64 cm UK #government

    Single colour letterpress print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 106 Tennille Shuster Mercer University Vote Smart 23 × 35 cm US #government

    Poster printed with handset wood and metal type on a Provisional Press using Revere Suede paper with white and red ink encouraging people to vote smart, in opposition to the current president that is anything but.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 107 Alice White Do You Speak My Language? 42 × 59.4 cm UK #immigration

    Woodcut print on paper. Do you speak my language? loudly celebrates the many languages spoken everyday across the UK. It was conceived as a protest print against a racist sign titled ’Happy Brexit Day’ that was put up in communal hallways on 31st January 2020. The inward-looking, disheartening and polarising sign demanded that all residents speak the ‘Queen’s English’ or leave.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 108 David Armes Red Plate Press Anew A New 30 × 30 cm UK #socialchange

    Inequalities are systemic. Therefore, the system that produced the inequality is broken. Therefore, a new system is required.

    The artist's portion of any sales will be donated to Manchester-based charity RECLAIM: "RECLAIM is a youth leadership and social change organisation. We exist to create a society in which being from a working-class background no longer presents barriers to achievement, success, or influence."

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 109 David Armes Red Plate Press WE WILL BREAK YOUR CHAINS 50 × 35 cm UK #inequality

    This work explores semantics and the speed with which seemingly neutral language can move sequentially into a clear judgement. It started with imagery created from a collagraph matrix and Monoblox shapes. That imagery generated a simple phrase - "symbols trapped in repeat motion" - which was printed and overprinted repeatedly. That phrase was then put through online translation software from English into five different languages (chosen at random) and then back into English. This process was repeated four times in sequence using each new phrase. The result is the four different phrases that are overlaid onto the original: "caught in repeated movements", "symptoms of imbalance appear", "signs of prejudice", "signs of inequality".

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 110 Dave Darcy One Strong Arm Play It Fuckin' Loud 40 × 52 cm IE #music

    Three colour linocut letterpress print. Inspired by one of the most famous exchanges in Rock 'n' Roll history. In 1966, in the Free Trade Hall in Manchester, a disgruntled fan shouts 'Judas', and after some back-and-forth Dylan turns to his band and tells them to 'PLAY IT FUCKIN' LOUD' - before launching into a blistering version of 'Like a Rolling Stone'. So, in a sense, it's Dylan protesting a fan's protest about Dylan not playing protest songs... protest x3.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 111 Dave Darcy One Strong Arm Our Solidarity 32 × 45 cm IE #gayrights

    One Strong Arm teamed up with GCN and Evgeny Shtorn to create a print to celebrate Pride and support Ireland’s LGBT+ press. Printed in 5 colour split fountain, with wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 112 Dave Darcy One Strong Arm Trust Women 38 × 52 cm IE #womensrights

    This print was produced in response to the The National Print Museum's show entitled “Print, Protest and The Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print”. Inspired by the protest posters from 1918, and exploring the parallels with contemporary issues connected to women's rights. Created at a pivotal time in Irish history, as Ireland attempted to come to grips with national feelings about reproductive rights.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 113 Arcangela Regis Lauren Press Ecocide is a crime 42 × 29.7 cm ES #environment

    Without nature we are condemned to perish, therefore ecocide is a crime against humanity.

    Fortunately, nature will rise again from our ashes, as has happened in Hiroshima (Hibakujumoku Trees) and in Chernobyl (exclusion zone's new biodiversity).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 114 Tiny Risselada Letterpers Break fake news 40 × 57 cm NL #fakenews

    Laser letters wood

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 115 Tiny Risselada Letterpers If you can read this you are to close 40 × 57 cm NL #covid19

    Etching paper, van Son ink, font: Falstaff, mask

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 116 Ian Mortimer I. M. Imprimit SAY IT IN TYPE 79.4 × 59.4 cm UK #borisjohnson

    I wanted an opportunity to give my 66-line pica large Clarendon Condensed an outing: `say it in TYPE' was already set up and proofed when I heard Ben Comeau's masterly 6-part Baroque fugue `Boris Johnson is a lying shit'. The fugue's repeated text suggested my border setting in the very condensed 10-line pica sans-serif - also called Grotesque!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 117 Stéphane de Schrevel A Cunning Plan Press To Protest and to Lurve 47 × 64 cm BE #policeviolence

    A triptych featuring a sarcastic take on 'To Protect and to Serve', the motto of the American police.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 118 Marit Brandsnes Arbeiderbevegelsens folkehøgskole Equality 21 × 297 cm NO #inequality

    Letterpress printed with woodtype on a grafix

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 119 Helen Ingham Hi-Artz Press Reclaim Printing Presses 32 × 45 cm UK #print

    Wooden Poster Type, 120gsm pulp paper. The printing press directly led to a large scale increase in literacy and the widespread dissemination of information after Gutenberg, also the promotion of democratic ideas through revolutionaries such as Tom Paine. In this age, where we are increasingly monitored through digital communication, I feel the traditionally printed political broadside and pamphlet are due a revival. This work is not valuable in itself and the materials used are not of high quality, however it can easily be destroyed by burning, once the message has been received. Letterpress also has very little impact on the environment, unlike many other reprographic processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 120 Julieta Adame Pixel Press Not Afraid 43.5 × 69 cm UK #equality

    Inspired on a conversation about the malaises inherited by colonisation, pointing the sheer fear of sometimes standing up to slurs, stereotypes, insults or abuse on behalf of others that are in a more fragile standing than us at that particular moment. We are both foreigners on our countries of choice, but also non-black people of colour, one of us is a woman, one of us is Jewish.

    We are not Afraid is printed in bold dynamic letters, yet printed on a fragile 100gsm Conqueror Air that conveys that sense of fragility.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 121 Julieta Adame Pixel Press You are not alone 45 × 70 cm UK #blacklivesmatter

    This trio of posters were designed as a collaboration with the artist Victoria Maria Bee from Lubbock Texas as a conjoint effort to support the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. as part of 'Printmaking As Resistance' during the Spring of 2020.

    The challenge designing these posters was to try to understand the magnitude of the abuses that the black communities face in the U.S., as non-black person of colour I've faced racial and gender discrimination, but I am quite certain never at the level of a black person. I wanted them to be 'positive' to remove them from the media portrayal of the demonstrators that were being labelled as savages, ransackers and provocateurs. Black communities or minorities it seems always have to choose to be either 'the better man', the contained ones but at the same time 'be angry'.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 122 Sergei Besov Partisan Press / Demon Press AGAINST/PROTEST 50 × 70 cm RU #government

    Protest poster printed in March 11th 2020 after Putin was supposed to be a president more times. And that was a reason to change Constitution. This poster worked very well more times during 2020 in Russia. Printed with original Cyrillic woodtype, offset paper Impact 80 gsm, one color (red vintage Hungarian 1989), 10 copies.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 123 Andrew Long Long Brothers What happened to Snowball? 42 × 59.4 cm UK #equality

    Inspired by George Orwell's book, Animal Farm, which touches on ideas of freedom, rebellion and the corruption of power. Although, published in 1945, common themes of this book are very much present in todays society. What really happened to Snowball?

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 124 Andrew Long Long Brothers Trumps 42 × 59.4 cm UK #trump

    Whether we like it or not, politics will continue to influence and shape the society and world that we live in. It's questionable how positive or negative this influence will be. One thing I am certain about, when it comes to trumps, I will always pick mine over that one in America!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 125 Paul Crawley Work and Turn Collective Wake up and small the lies 32 × 45 cm UK #government

    A rallying cry to people to wake up and realise their leaders lie and mislead them on a daily basis to suit their own political agendas. This print was created on a western proofing press and uses a combination of wood letter type, ornament and laser cut plates.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 126 Paul Crawley Work and Turn Collective Stuck in the middle 32 × 45 cm UK #government

    We really are stuck in a place we never thought we'd end up. With the crazy people in charge. Utilising the classic lyrics from Stealers Wheel to highlight the constant barrage of utter idiots we proferred as our political leaders to guide and support us. Is it any wonder the world is struggling?

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 127 Paul Crawley Work and Turn Collective Just answer the question 32 × 45 cm UK #diveristy

    Inspired by the wonderful penmanship of Nick Lowe. 'As I walk through this wicked world searching' for light in the darkness and insanity. I ask myself, is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred and misery? And each time I feel like this inside there's one thing I wanna know, what's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 128 David Vassie Pixel Press Londinium 50 × 60 cm UK #gentrification

    The embossed laminate paper for this print (original useage unknown) is roughly 50yrs old. Found in a now closed jobbing print shop on the border between Islington and Hackney, North London. It has lasted, in a damp basement for as long I, at the bottom of a pile of various papers almost 3 meteres high, in an almost pristine fashion. London, being my hometown, I can offer no objective opinion on it, as all hometowns form you, so does this one. The prints' history lies in the London riots in 2011, quickly forgotten and concreted over the year after, for the Olympics, except for the subsequent public flogging and vilification of persons involved. The mayor for London had been sacked for lying prior to their appointment. The trickle down promised, was more a drought. You could squat, be educated at a university for free, maybe even consider buying a property at a reasonable price as little as 50 years ago, when London was considered shit. So yes, let's make London shit again.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 129 David Vassie Pixel Press Disco Sucks 45 × 60 cm UK #music

    Disco Sucks was a movement founded by the Dj Steve Dahl in Chicago. 'Dahls' campaigning was far from unique. Dislike for disco was everywhere. The rock generation saw it as the antithesis of all that was holy: no visible musicians, no 'real' stars, no 'live' performances. It was music based wholly on consumption, music with no aesthetic purpose, indeed with no purpose at all other than making your body twitch involuntarily. Dehumanising, expressionless, content-less - the judgements were daming.' 'Disco simply underwent some cosmetic enhancements, changed its' name a couple of times, and had its' mail forwarded to a less glitzy neighbourhood.'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 130 Joe Lane BE IN 42 × 59.4 cm IE #socialchange

    BE IN, BE IN, BE IN, BE IN! We must BE ACTIVE participants in our society! BEING is existing! As we enter unknown futures we must activate, we must strive to take control over the information we consume and the steps that we take. To change our society we must do more than participate in protest we must define the protest. To do this we, as a society must BE IN! We must BE - Involved, Influential, International, Inspirational, Industrious, Inquisitive, Individual, Innovative, Informed, Invincible. Buckminster Fuller said "You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” Our new model must be created by an informed and engaged society, apathy is the enemy of our protest, the enemy of our future. BE IN, BE IN, BE IN, BE IN! Letterpress Print. Printing using Wood Type, Metal Type and Brass Rules using fluorescent orange and grey inks on Munken Lynx Rough 170gsm.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 131 Andy Kinnear The Dreamxax Factory THE TRUTH 45 × 60 cm UK #protest

    My posters are a response to the current state of the UK political environment. Referencing the empemera of the 18th century broadside and 20th century Socialist posters of the Soviet era. 'The Truth' was made in response to a personal situation but is both liberately ambiguous and a blatant simple statement to be read as the viewer takes it. 'Revolt' is not a call to action but rather a prediction of the future should we continue on the path we find ourselves. 'Pull em Off' is in support of the movement of removing offensive sculptures from elevated positions. The grinning skeleton is both comical yet mocking the viewer. It's time has come.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 132 Ruth Kirkby The Caseroom SWG3 Apopolypse Now 32 × 45 cm UK #protest

    Wood type and collagraph print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 133 Ruth Kirkby The Caseroom SWG3 Apopolypse Now ii 32 × 45 cm UK #protest

    Wood type and collagraph print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 134 Martin Hofseth and Stener Vaagland KHiO The police is protecting the racists 30 × 45 cm NO #racism

    The poster is printed on a printing press in Halden, Norway. It was made by Stener Vaagland and Martin Hofseth, and was inspired by the recent protests in Norway against SIAN (Stop the islamification of Norway). It contains the word "police" printed on top of the word "racists" and illustrates the police standing in front of the racists, protecting them and giving them a platform to preach hate and burn holy books etc.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 135 Hannah Ødegård and Kainat Jawaid KHiO Senk husleia (Lower the rent) 42 × 59.4 cm NO #housing

    Recently there's been a demand from students and young adults around Norway to lower the housing rent which has increased exponentially the past decade. Not only is it nearly impossible for first time buyers to get in the housing market, but even the rent market is incredibly expensive. Additionally, the apartments/houses for rent are often in bad condition, with little space. Instead of getting your own place, you often have to settle for shared housing, despite working full time. This protest poster was made as a response to that. It was pressed three times. first with wood type in fluorescent pink. then the frame with lead type and then finally the linocut man that was hand rolled on. It was made by Hannah Ødegård and Kainat Jawaid, two graphic design students from Oslo National Academy of the Arts at Halden Print Workshop.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 136 Alan Kitching The New Typography Workshop Black Lives Matter 57.5 × 84 cm UK #blacklivesmatter

    Edition size: 20. Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 137 Alan Kitching The New Typography Workshop Why Iraq? 64 × 76 cm UK #war

    Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 138 Alan Kitching The New Typography Workshop For *U*K’s Sake Stop Brexit 57 × 76.5 cm UK #brexit

    Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 139 Ben Blount Stop Killing 31.75 × 48.25 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 140 Ben Blount Knees off Necks 31.75 × 48.25 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 141 Ben Blount Juneteenth 31.75 × 48.25 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 142 Dennis Gould Anarchist Press Fukkin Frakkin 22 × 39 cm UK #environment

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 143 Dennis Gould Anarchist Press We Are All Migrants and Refugees 34 × 22.5 cm UK #immigration

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 144 Dennis Gould Anarchist Press Stay International 21 × 41 cm UK #brexit

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 145 Jamie Murphy The Salvage Press Trust Women 38 × 53 cm IE #womensrights

    This broadside was produced for the National Print Museum in response to their exhibition ‘Print, Protest and the Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print media, 1908– 1918’. The piece was made in advance of the looming Irish abortion referendum. Proceeds from the sale of this work were / are split evenly between the museum and Women's Aid. Printed on the centenary of the first female vote in Ireland. The type is 24D Méridien. 100 copies were printed on 170gsm Zerkall.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 146 Myrna Keliher Expedition Press Let Justice be Primary 30.5 × 45.7 cm US #music

    Poetry excerpt by Hayden Carruth, letterpress printed from handset metal type and wood rule on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press. From Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey, Copper Canyon Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 147 Myrna Keliher Expedition Press Reading Not Swiping 20.3 × 25.4 cm US #technology

    Letterpress printed from handset wood type on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 148 Myrna Keliher Expedition Press Poem-About-My-Rights 21.6 × 124.5 cm US #equality

    Poem by June Jordan, letterpress printed from handset metal and wood type on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press in collaboration with Sabina Smith. From Directed by Desire, Copper Canyon Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 149 Federico Cimatti Prensa la Libertad Autogestión 70 × 100 cm AR #protest

    Self-management has to survive the partial eclipse that the struggle for power has imposed over vast sectors of the world. In the middle of this confusion to impose the violent power, today self-management rises as a hope towards the self-knowledge of the personal sphere and its powerful collective instance expressed in the exchange of ideas. Due to this type of techno-centrifugal speed to which we are subjected, we still can't fully appreciate the importance of realizing our identity through an independent project.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 150 Federico Cimatti Prensa la Libertad La Lucha 45 × 65 cm AR #protest

    The fight is a collective poem called freedom, we are writing it

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 151 Federico Cimatti Prensa la Libertad Nunca Seré Policía 70 × 100 cm AR #policeviolence

    I will never be a police officer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 152 Voicot Somos la especie en peligro de extinguirlo todo 75 × 110 cm AR #extinction

    We are the species in danger of extinguishing everything.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 153 Voicot Violencia es comer animales 75 × 110 cm AR #veganism

    Violence is eating animals.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 154 Voicot Hagamos la revolución 75 × 110 cm AR #revolution

    Let’s make the revolution.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 155 Graham Bignell New North Press Borders 39 × 69 cm UK #immigration

    A pertinent quote from American author and critic, Marya Mannes. First printed in 2014 at the Letterpress Workers conference using Italian type there, Graham has revisited this poster, resetting it in wood type from the New North Press library.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 156 Richard Ardagh New North Press Life Not Likes 29.7 × 420 cm UK #technology

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 157 Blast Design / Kelvyn Smith The New Typography Workshop Love & Hate 42 × 59.4 cm UK #brexit

    We all know that nothing divides opinion quite like Brexit, with the possible exception of the nation’s festive ‘favourite’ the humble sprout. In late November 2018 the Blast team set off for another outing to The New Typography Workshop, to create the year’s Christmas poster. Following our 2916 letterpress adventure we tried hard not to mention Brexit, but somehow it felt unavoidable, with the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement hanging over the nation. The poster is designed to be displayed either way up, expressing your opinion on Europe (or is it sprouts?).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 158 Blast Design / Kelvyn Smith The New Typography Workshop Brexit & Trump 42 × 59.4 cm UK #brexit

    2016 had been an awful year. Britain exited the EU and everyone responsible left us in the lurch. America simply left us wondering ‘WTF?!’ So when the Blast team set off to get our hands dirty and create a festive letterpress poster, we thought it appropriate to make our own statement – using big wooden letters and gold ink.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 159 OPX New North Press Refugee 46 × 64 cm UK #immigration

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 160 Rick Griffith Walk 30.5 × 46 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Consequences need to become the conversation if White people want to have the power to ally with Black and other people of color. So here's the fucking poster, put it up – and make it true. Typography: Barlow/Jeremy Tribby

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 161 Rick Griffith Justice 42.5 × 58 cm US #blacklivesmatter

    Printed the week after the murder of George Floyd for Denver rallies and protests at Genghis Kern, Denver CO.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 162 Rick Griffith Unfuck this 32 × 48 cm US #womensrights

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 163 Stephen Kenny Printer's Devil LIBERATE HONG KONG 45 × 64 cm UK #government

    Printed using a mixture of original wood blocks from the 1960s and newly made wood blocks for the Chinese characters. This statement is now band in HK and could have you imprisoned. I stand by my HK brothers for freedom of speech and against the lies of the Chinese govenment.

    Edition Printed on Milkweed 110gsm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 164 8273 Printer's Devil LOCKDOWN LOCKUP No.5 45 × 63.5 cm UK #covid19

    Type that is set on the bed of a press and ‘locked in place’ is know as a ‘lockup’. We are all in ‘Lockdown’ as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. ‘LOCKDOWN LOCKUPS’ are a series of collaborative letterpress prints inspired by and made during ‘Lockdown’ in London 2020.

    All the work is made in isolation. A future souvenir of this strange and uncertain time. This is the 5th in a series of collaborations between the Printer’s Devil and invited creatives. This is 8273, based in Fukuoka in the south of Japan. 8273 is my lucky number.

    Edition Printed on Milkweed 118gsm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • A Amida Deen & Aantu Waday
    Don’t Judge Me
    New North Press
    64 × 45 cm

    Made in reaction to having A-level exam results down-graded.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • B Bob and Roberta Smith
    Dear Bob
    New North Press
    64 × 45.5 cm

    A sideways look at activism.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • C [anonymous asylum seeker]
    Face to Face, Facebook, Face Mask
    New North Press
    64 × 48.5 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • D Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux
    New North Press
    50 × 70 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • E Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux
    Boulots de Merde
    New North Press
    50 × 70 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • F Extinction Rebellion Art Group / Paris68redux
    New North Press
    70 × 50 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • G Ifeoma Orjiekwe / Heart n Soul
    No Abuse to People with Learning Disabilities
    New North Press
    45.5 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • H Ono Dafedjaiye / Heart n Soul
    Stop Universal Credit
    New North Press
    64 × 46 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • I Shelley Bird / Heart n Soul
    Put Phone Away
    New North Press
    45.5 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • J David McNicholas / Heart n Soul
    Walk Next to Me
    New North Press
    45 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • K Jide / Heart n Soul
    Against Racism
    New North Press
    45.5 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • L Jane Plüer
    Yes, panic
    New North Press
    29.7 × 42 cm

    There is a time and place for ‘Keep calm and carry on’ – but I propose a new line that stirs people into action: ‘Yes, panic’. A deadline in design often helps spur you on to find a solution, so a healthy sense of urgency can hopefully also work in terms of global issues and inspire people to act and help steer the world in a better direction.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • M John Anstiss
    The Extinction Will Not be Televised
    New North Press
    50 × 70 cm

    I am indebted to Gill Scott Heron an aspiring poet and performer. He has lead the way in stirring the spirits of many of us who seek radical change.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • N Jolyon Fox
    New North Press
    40 × 61.5 cm

    This was inspired by the school strikes for climate, which made me think about children’s rights and who has the most to lose.
    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • O Jolyon Fox
    New North Press
    53 × 39 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • P Katherine Hamnett
    Save the Earth
    New North Press
    45 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Q Malcolm Garrett
    F for Fact
    New North Press
    45.5 × 64 cm

    No truth is absolute.
    No fact faced without friction.
    Replace all that is fake
    with authenticity and integrity
    ... for fuck’s sake.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • R Mark Titchner
    It is you I still love the most
    New North Press
    53 × 77 cm

    A soundbite from a cassette course in Neuro Linguistic Programming or a description of the social political loops we find ourselves locked in?

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • S Peter Ashton-Jones
    No Algorithms Here
    New North Press
    70 × 50 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • T Peter Kennard
    New North Press
    34 × 51.5 cm

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • U Peter Kennard
    New North Press
    60 × 83.7 cm

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • V Peter Kennard
    Another World is Possible
    New North Press
    49 × 72 cm

    Letterpress and pigment print on Kozuke archival paper. Unique.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • W Sarah Boris
    New North Press
    50 × 65.5 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • X Stevey Scullion
    Silent Protest
    New North Press
    44 × 59 cm

    A three-dimensional language. Using British Sign Language the poster spells out the words Silent and Protest.

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Y Stewart Lee
    You Can Prove Anything with Facts
    New North Press
    45 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • Z Stewart Lee
    New North Press
    48 × 64 cm

    A collaborative print edition made especially for Reverting to Type 2020.

    Available from New North Press web shop.

  • 1 Ane Thon Knutsen
    I See Red - every month. like most women. stigma around menstruation is a violation of human right.
    21 × 29.7 cm

    The poster is about stigma and discrimination due to menstruation. 50% of the population menstruate at some point. In many countries, the life of women become limited when they start to menstruate. For many girls this means loosing access to schooling, lack of sufficient hygiene measures and also puts them in danger of being married of without consent. In the western world tampons and pads are marketed as "luxury products", illustrated by blue fluid. Menstruation is still strongly linked to shame, something that should be hid away, which some women in fact are when they have their periods. Even so menstruation is fundamental for human life to exist, something that should be celebrated. I have attempted to make the message nearly hidden by printing red on red - the color of blood - and also symbolize anger, love, passion and revolution. But you need to come close, as the message is partly hidden in plain sight, like a secret being whispered from one girl to another.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 2 Theo Wang
    Mary Wollstonecraft – Justice Not Charity

    21 × 29.7 cm

    This quote was taken from Mary Wollstonecraft's crucial piece of work: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, written in 1792 and even more than 200 years later, is still particularly relevant. A writer and philosopher far ahead of her time, her short book blisteringly argues for the education of women, increased female participation in everyday society and social order founded on reason.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 3 Theo Wang
    Immigration Made Me

    21 × 29.7 cm

    We are all immigrants from somewhere, some more recently than others. This one's for those of us who wouldn't be here without our predecessors' paving the way, making new homes on foreign soil, mixing cultures, languages, traditions, genes. Celebrate the diaspora that made you!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 4 Theo Wang
    Nye Bevan - NHS In Place of Fear

    21 × 29.7 cm

    We released this print to celebrate the creation of the Nation Health Service in the UK. Launched in 1948 by Aneurin Bevan, the health secretary, at Park Hospital in Manchester it was the climax of a hugely ambitious plan to bring good healthcare to all. This quote comes from his later book, In Place of Fear, published in 1952, and encapsulates the guiding principles of the NHS on it’s 70th anniversary

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 5 Phil Gambrill
    Time For Change
    Fresh Lemon Print
    59.4 × 84.1 cm

    A typographic letterpress poster influenced by the global equality protests... it is 'time for change'.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 6 Lars Amundsen & Matthias Beck
    Sueños ahogados
    Tipos en su tinta
    70 × 50 cm

    From our place of residence, where this year the most risky migratory route to reach Europe has been reactivated, we talk about the incongruity between our values ?? that define us as humanity and the harsh reality in the migration process. The dreams and hopes that are left behind when they collide with the borders that humans have built between us.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 7 Justin Knopp
    Everybody! ART! NOW!
    45 × 64 cm

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden type and lasercut hardboard.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 8 Justin Knopp
    RESISTANCE is Fertile
    42 × 59.4 cm

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden typefaces, perspex-faced border units and P22-Blox modular ornaments

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 9 Justin Knopp
    UNITY is Fertile
    42 × 59.4 cm

    This poster is printed in three colours on a 1950s Soldan proofing press, directly from hand-typeset wooden type, P22-Blox and lasercut geometric ornaments.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 10 Mary Plunkett
    Print, Protest and the Polls: Response
    The Belgrave Private Press
    38 × 53 cm

    In 2018 Mary Plunkett was invited to make a response print to the National Print Museum's exhibition, "Print, Protest and The Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print media”. The Irish Women’s Franchise League was founded in 1908 as an organization for women’s suffrage. Its paper was ‘The Irish Citizen’, published from 1912 to 1920. To mark the centenary of the first female vote in Ireland and the impact of print, Mary chose to commemorate this radical newspaper and one of its founders, the Irish feminist, educator and journalist, Hanna Sheehy Skeffington. This letterpress print makes use of the Irish colours as the Irish suffragettes wore traditional dress to stand out from the other nationalities at the major rallies in Britain and is based on a quote from Hanna Sheehy Skeffington and the motto of the Irish Citizen, ‘For Men and Women Equally The Rights of Citizenship; For Men and Women Equally The Duties of Citizenship’.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 11 Dafi Kühne
    What a mess.
    64 × 88 cm

    Socio-critical poster printed from laser-cut and hand-torn MDF, hand-cut linoleum and metal type. 2017, edition of 1500.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 12 Dafi Kühne
    Make love, not Tanzverbot
    44.5 × 64 cm

    This poster for a club was fighting agains an old law, that would prohibit to dance on certain holidays. Like for example it was allowed to have a party on Christmas evening, you were allowed to dring and everything. But just not to dance! I made this poster for the club season when there was a vote – the law got killed. 

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 13 Dafi Kühne
    Death to the print!
    55 × 88 cm

    Is it a protest? It sure is!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 14 Jennifer Farrell
    Ladies! The Forced Birth Movement is for You!
    Starshaped Press
    25.4 × 50.8 cm

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 15 Jennifer Farrell
    Ladies! Being Singled Out by Gender vs. Ability is a Confidence Boost!
    Starshaped Press
    25.4 × 50.8 cm

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 16 Jennifer Farrell
    Ladies! You Don't Need Single Payer Health Care!
    Starshaped Press
    25.4 × 50.8 cm

    One of three posters in a series that uses type dating back to the ratification of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution (celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2020) granting women the right to vote. The subject matter is a sarcastic call out, renaming the pro-life movement for what it is and what it in reality does to women once a child is born. Each poster also reminds men they have the luxury to not have to take any action on the issue.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 17 John Christopher
    Greenhouse Gasses
    Flowers & Fleurons
    36 × 52 cm

    Two colour letterpress poster on the theme of climate change using the chemical formulae of the greenhouse gases Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide to form the copy.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 18 John Christopher
    Velorution . Revolution
    Flowers & Fleurons
    36 × 52 cm

    Letterpress poster printed using recycled bicycle sprockets to reinforce the 'Recycle the Roads' message

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 19 John Christopher
    Don't Let The Bastards Grind You Down
    Flowers & Fleurons
    36 × 52 cm

    A red Handmaiden formed by an inverted exclamation mark is trapped within a block of text 'Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum' which has been overprinted multiple times to create a barely legible block.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 20 John Christopher
    We Got Brexit Dumb
    Flowers & Fleurons
    36 × 41.5 cm

    Conmenmorative Print [typo intentional]. Printed onto 250gsm 100% cotton paper with vintage letterpress type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 21 Paolo Celotto
    Verità per Giulio Regeni / Truth for Giulio Regeni
    Tipoteca Italiana Fondazione
    50 × 70 cm

    Giulio Regeni was killed in Egypt in 2016 and his body found along a road, in terrible conditions. Silence by the Egyptian government is a big deal in this case. Giulio's family is still waiting for the truth.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 22 Phil Abel
    Rise Like Lions
    Hand & Eye Editions
    50 × 70 cm

    The last verse of PB Shelley's Mask of Anarchy set in wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 23 Phil Abel
    Five Democratic Tests
    Hand & Eye Editions
    50 × 70 cm

    A quote from Tony Benn's farewell speech in the House of Commons overprinted on a photograph of him. Printed from metal type and photopolymer plate.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 24 Phil Abel
    Hand & Eye Editions
    45 × 64 cm

    Printed in wood and metal type on yellow paper. The proceeds of any sales will be sent in full to the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 25 Luise Valentiner
    When's the riot?
    Trigger press
    23.5 × 70 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 26 Luise Valentiner
    Trigger press
    50 × 70 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 27 Luise Valentiner
    Trigger press
    45 × 54 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 28 Rozemarijn Oudejans
    Stay the fuck home
    Studio Zeedauw
    35 × 50 cm

    Inspired by the covid-19 lockdown measures in The Netherlands. I saw so many people still getting together, not keeping safe distance, while at the same time doctors and nurses were working overtime to save lives. So I printed a poster to hang in the window to urge people to really stay the fuck home. Letterpress printed with wooden letters and linocut shapes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 29 Rozemarijn Oudejans
    Studio Zeedauw
    25 × 35 cm

    Printed for Letterpress Workers 2019. Inspiration: resist your computer-, smartphone-, laptop-, iPad-screen and do more offline! Printed with wood type, hand-cut wood hashtags, lasercut plywood shapes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 30 Rozemarijn Oudejans
    Studio Zeedauw
    35 × 50 cm

    'Ik heb geen talent voor ondergeschiktheid' ('I have no talent for subordination') is a quote by 18th century Dutch female writer and composer Belle van Zuylen. It is a quote close to my heart. Printed with wood type, hand-inked, in cooperation with Crisje van Leest (Atelier Letterpret).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 31 Caren Florance
    Shameless 1: What Future No Comment
    Ampersand Duck
    42 × 59.4 cm

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 32 Caren Florance
    Shameless 2: Will Kill for Coal
    Ampersand Duck
    42 × 59.2 cm

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 33 Caren Florance
    Shameless 3: Go Back to Netflix
    Ampersand Duck
    42 × 59.4 cm

    Handset letterpress on plastic Yupo. Collaboration with artist Peter Lyssiotis towards a folio for Extraction: Overburden 2021, inspired by newsagent splash banners and projecting a Murdoch-style voice. This is a special Reverting to Type edition of 4. WARNING: this is not fine printing. This is not careful or neat. This is a deliberately variable edition fueled by rage and frustration.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 34 Matthew Leach
    Protect our Winters
    50 × 50 cm

    Protect our Winters. We must all be more aware of the warming of our world. A simple and impactful poster representing this fact.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 35 Matt Tilbury
    The Tilbury Press
    23.5 × 40 cm

    Climate change, I feel, is the biggest issue facing humanity on this planet. Not enough is being done to combat the earths decline. This print was inspired by the well known recruitment poster from the Great War, 1915.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 36 Matt Tilbury
    The Tilbury Press
    23 × 40 cm

    A sister piece to the Daddy what did you do to fight climate change? This print is an adaption of a well known graffiti; A nation of sheep, led by wolves, owned by pigs.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 37 Matt Tilbury
    Covid Don't Surf
    The Tilbury Press
    23 × 41 cm

    Local councils banned surfing and ocean swimming whilst we were all social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Though walking, jogging and cycling were still allowed. Being in the water is critical for many Bondi locals for mental wellbeing. Inspiration from Apocalypse Now's General Kilgore's remarks about Charlie's Point. Footnote: The ban was overturned and we are now back in the water.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 38 Pea Crabtree
    Lucky Budgie Print Studio
    40 × 64 cm

    Words: Howard Zinn. Made in the time of Covid-19 after ten years of austerity and Brexit using traditional letterpress processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 39 Pea Crabtree
    Every Human Being
    Lucky Budgie Print Studio
    40 × 64 cm

    Words: Howard Zinn. Made in the time of Covid-19 after ten years of austerity and Brexit using traditional letterpress processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 40 Claudio Madella
    Class Solidarity
    30 × 40 cm

    Fragment from a speech of Harry Bridges

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 41 Claudio Madella
    Il Capitalismo non è biodegradabile (Capitalism is not biodegradable)
    30 × 30 cm

    Quote from Dario Fiori

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 42 Cabaret Typographie

    35 × 50 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 43 Theo Miller
    Sending Smoke Signals

    18.2 × 24.7 cm

    Sending Smoke Signals is printed with 24pt Square Border. The smoke signal is an ancient form of long distance communication; a signal of danger or distress. This print is based on media images of the police clashing with innocent protestors. The smoke is of flares and tear gas; familiar images seen across the world. A cry for help.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 44 Nick Hand
    Queen Square Riot, Bristol 1831
    The Letterpress Collective
    100 × 38 cm

    This print commemorates the working people who formed an uprising to protest the rejection of a reform bill in the House of Lords which would have enabled working men to have a vote. The Queen Square riot, with other protests, led to the formation of the Chartist and Suffragette movements.

    Lino cut by artist Luke Carter. Printed letterpress in three colours on Somerset Buff. Printed on the FAG Swiss Proof 40 and Albion Press. Hand-set type and wooden decorative rules. The text has been printed on the Albion Press that was made one year after the Riots in 1832.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 45 Nick Hand
    No one can own a river
    The Letterpress Collective
    28 × 67 cm

    Letterpress-printed poster to mark the publication of Richard King’s book The Lark Ascending. Water illustration by Jon McNaught. Printed four colours on a FAG Swissproof press. The second image relates to some graffiti scratched onto a sign forbidding entry on the banks of the River Wye.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 46 Chris Sleath
    Rise Up
    Veloset Press
    29 × 59 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 47 Chris Sleath
    Veloset Press
    15 × 59.5 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 48 Erik Spiekermann
    70 × 50 cm

    Printed on Meta Paper Rough Warm White 160 gsm in Black and Red Day-Glo ink. From original 40 cic Artz wood type on our Korrex Berlin Special Kraft.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 49 Erik Spiekermann
    Truck Fump
    70 × 50 cm

    TRUCK FUMP! as a postcard, printed letterpress in a very limited edition by hand on a Boston Platen Press in Red Day-Glo ink, set in 72 point Block metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 50 Erik Spiekermann
    70 × 50 cm

    Printed on MetaPaper Rough Warm White 160 gsm in Black and Pantone Warm Red ink. From original wood and metal type on our Korrex Frankfurt.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 51 David Clifford
    No Oil
    Black Stone Press
    28 × 39 cm

    Leave oil in the ground

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 52 Brendan Hibbert

    45 × 84 cm

    The NAIDOC 2020 theme – Always Was, Always Will Be – recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. This poster invites all Australians to embrace and acknowledge the true history of this country – a history which dates back thousands of generations.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 53 Jennifer Graves

    38 × 50 cm

    I AM MY SISTER'S/ BROTHER'S KEEPER is strictly letterpress printed. Inspired by the brutal murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers and lack of accountability for the murder of Breonna Taylor. These are two, but there are so many more. Now is a time when people are speaking out and are demanding justice for the injustices, demanding justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. I AM MY SISTER'S KEEPER means we watch out, protect, show up, love, and care for one another. When we become our sister and brother's keeper, positive changes can happen. The printing of these protest posters are intentionally kept clean, a solid background to signify solidarity and handset wood type printed in black that embodies strength on a heavy bristol paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 54 Anthony Burrill
    No Safe Place

    50 × 70 cm

    Screen-printed poster using charcoal from the Australian bush fires as a printing medium.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 55 Anthony Burrill

    50 × 70 cm

    Screen-print poster sold to raise funds for War Child charity

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 56 Anthony Burrill

    50 × 70 cm

    Screen-print poster sold to raise funds for 'The Black Curriculum'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 57 Mitch Blessing
    Bemidji State University
    12 × 16 cm

    Letterpress poster from a limited edition of 10. Hand-pulled. Two-color.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 58 Joe Swift
    We are all connected
    Distant Press
    34.5 × 42 cm

    Letterpress print from wood and metal type. A plea to UK citizens to find common ground in the aftermath of the UK 'Brexit' referendum and subsequent UK departure from the EU at the end of January 2020.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 59 Emily Wismer
    Black Lives Matter/Dismantle White Supremacy
    Lady Pilot Letterpress
    32 × 49 cm

    We created this poster with our design partner from @clearlyrecords in response to the Black Lives Matter protests in the US. We printed several versions on a Vandercook Universal 1 and sold the posters to support a local organization that works with young people to increase opportunities in education and the arts. We can't think of anything more important in the arts right now than giving voice to people around the world fighting for justice.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 60 Frank Baseman
    Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced. – James Baldwin
    Base Press
    13 × 20 cm

    While doing some information gathering and research in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing at the hands of the police, I came across the documentary "I Am Not Your Negro," on American poet, writer and civil rights activist, James Baldwin. This quote from the film resonated with me: "Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced." Not only does it speak to the social and racial unrest going on in America--and worldwide--but I think it also pertains to so many other facets of life.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 61 Frank Baseman
    No shoes, no shirt, no mask! No service
    Base Press
    10 × 13 cm

    Riffing off of the often seen sign in stores, "No shoes, no shirt, no service," I made a new version as a sign of these times, inserting the mask.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 62 Frank Baseman
    Printing is my form of social distancing
    Base Press
    10 × 13 cm

    It's actually true, that whenI am printing I am practicing social distancing--naturally, and during normal times as well as during the Covid pandemic.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 63 Elizabeth Fraser
    OBEY: You Must Not Relent
    15 × 30 cm

    We all obey different people, ideals & instructions in the multiple facets of our lives. Sometimes we feel self-determining, other times we squirm under perceived & actual authority. Life is rich and varied, the best we can do is keep our minds open & our wits about us. This print explores the uncomfortable duality of power via the lyrics of Inoculated City by The Clash.

    Printed using 6 line woodtype, 30pt Univers, 10pt baskerville italic and the woodwormed hand of oppression/revolt. Edition of 20.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 64 Elizabeth Fraser
    Then I let It Go Again...
    30 × 15 cm

    Appropriating a children's verse to highlight the environmental emergency of loss of marine life and diversity. The large woodtype 5 in this print becomes a net with the last little fishy escaping from its negative space, to a hopefully better future...or perhaps contained within the bowl as a symbol of loss. Which interpretation will prove to be our grandchildren's reality as we teach them this rhyme?

    Printed using woodtype number orphans and Bodoni Ultra metal type. Edition of 20

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 65 Elizabeth Fraser
    How Dare You!
    15 × 30 cm

    In chaos theory butterflies are powerful metaphors for insignificant tiny actions and their ultimate unintended massive consequences. This couplet from Blake’s Auguries of Innocence written in the 1800’s intertwines with the words of Greta Thunberg from the 2020’s. Together they emphasise the disgrace of our human history of reckless disregard for our precious home, the Earth.

    Printed in 5 passes using 1 butterfly block, 8-Line woodtype and 10pt Univers. Edition of 20

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 66 Armina Ghazaryan
    If not us then who. If not now when.
    Type & Press
    29.7 × 42 cm

    If not us then who. If not now when. Letterpress printed poster using wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 67 Armina Ghazaryan
    Stop premature Christmas decorating. Thank you.
    Type & Press
    29.7 × 42 cm

    Typeset from wood & metal type and printed on FAG Standard 510.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 68 Nicole Phillips
    31 × 48 cm

    CLIMATE CHANGE: Like Sea Level We Rise, there has never been a more critical time to harness collective momentum for positive change. Letterpress and Linocut.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 69 Nicole Phillips
    My Body My Choice
    31 × 48 cm

    REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, My body, my words
    My thoughts, my doubts
    My hope, my pain
    My fears, my tears
    My voice, my choice
    My body, my choice

    Letterpress and polymer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 70 Nicole Phillips
    Cock Ups
    31 × 48 cm

    Politics: Our systems are broken! With a dick in change expect cock-ups / when our leaders are dicks a whole lot of fucking is what we can expect. This poster was in part inspired by the grafitti on political billboards that litter our landscape in the lead up to our elections. Also in a form of self-plagiarism this print builds on the language of my 2017 red white and blue Trump protest prints and previous political prints created for pissed modernism and the future is female but is non specific to location (or dick) as the political failures are much broader than in the US.

    Letterpress and Polymer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 71 Morgan Hiscocks
    I understand that I'll never understand
    33 × 48 cm

    Historically, the printing press is meant to elevate voices; the printing press is freedom protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Upon the murder of George Floyd, amidst a global pandemic, I felt that the best thing to do was to react through my press. I wanted to make something that could be as loud or as passive as the person holding/hanging it preferred it to be. Because I am a white woman, I felt strongly about staying in my lane and only speaking on behalf of myself and other white allies. I set out to create something for those who are not ready to step outside their comfort zones by taking to the streets but wish to communicate their support for equality. It is my only hope that these prints provide some sense of solidarity for every set of eyes who view them.

    Handset wood and lead type printed on coated stock in black ink. Two-sided print.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 72 Gen Harrison
    29.7 × 42 cm

    BUY BYE is a response to our times and the mess we are in. It is hopefully the starting point for a larger series of works entitled the writing is on the wall. It was printed on a Farley Proofing Press which was rescued from Chelsea School of Art in the early 90s.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 73 Gen Harrison
    Metro Standard
    57 × 36 cm

    Metro Standard was printed on the Wharfedale Reliance at Robert Smail's Printing Works and is inspired by Wonk Unit's We are the England. Profits from the sale of this print will go to a local group supporting vulnerable children in Lothian and the Scottish Borders.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 74 Jesús Morentin
    Spain... is different.
    50 × 70 cm

    At the end of the 1930s, the artist and designer Gerd Arntz (1900-1988) joined the team of Otto Neurath, director of the Society and Economy Museum of Vienna, in a project that ended in 1934 with the creation of ISOTYPE, in The Hague (Holland). The project was about a graphic system in which the world could be described throughout synthetic images representing different fields ranging from industry or demography to politics or economics. Almost a century later the project “Spain … is different” participates, not only in the language of Arntz, but also in its critical spirit, portraying a (spanish) society resigned and submissive to the inequalities and abuses of the elites and their leaders, showing a system in which these wealthy classes are perpetuated while the differences between the first and second class citizens are magnified.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 75 Pete Burke
    Climate Change Demo: 1
    42 × 29.7 cm


    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 76 Pete Burke
    Climate Change Demo: 2
    29.7 × 42 cm

    I*M standing ON what I STAND FOR

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 77 Pete Burke
    Climate Change Demo: 3
    7 × 13 cm


    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 78 Mike Ainsworth
    My kinda four part harmony
    North or Nowt
    18.5 × 20 cm

    A catchy little number that i increasingly find circulating round my subconscious whenever i see or read the news now a days...

    Fuck those fucking tories

    Edition of 15. Printed in Hawthorn Mid Blue on Canson Yellow stock. 1 colour letterpress print, printers block and 14pt, 18pt, 24pt and 36pt Times Metal Type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 79 Mike Ainsworth
    There are no good cops until there are no bad cops OR Until there are no bad cops there are no good cops
    North or Nowt
    18.2 × 36.4 cm

    I do not accept the idea that the murder and brutalisation of people of colour by police officers around the world as the actions of ‘a few bad cops’. Responding to the death of innocent civilians at the hands of a racist police force by saying ‘but it’s not all cops’ or ‘my relative is a cop and they’re not racist’ just isn’t gonna cut it. The actions of every officer of the law reflect the collective ideology of the justice system. Where murder and racism are actions that are protected and defended as opposed to met with outrage and imprisonment. Where officers resign in protest after their colleagues are disciplined for brutality and protect their buddies houses’ after they’ve killed an innocent human being. Where police officers claim victimisation for the treatment they receive for the choices they make, all whilst propping up a system that literally allows others to get away with murder in full view of the world without repercussions. Until there is a justice system that holds its enforcers accountable it must be regarded with suspicion and distrust, for it does not serve to protect the people. Can be exhibited one way up or the other, i'll leave it you to decide. Edition of 10. 3 colour letterpress print, print in 4, 6, 10 and 12 line Grotesque in Hawthorne Mid Blue, Vermillion and Jobbing Black

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 80 Gordon Chesterman
    Silence please.
    Egremont Press
    30 × 77.5 cm

    A letterpress poster printed for display on the walls of Cambridge University's Senate House to stop phone calls, recordings and pictures being taken during confidential or 'sensitive' University gatherings. The University Proctors

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 81 Annabelle Larner
    Respect the Source
    Noted! Press
    28 × 43 cm

    Linoleum carving with wood type - created for the Women's March in Washington D.C., United States.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 82 Annabelle Larner
    Family Values
    Noted! Press
    28 × 43 cm

    Linoleum carving with wood type. Created for immigration detention center protest rally in Seattle, WA, United States.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 83 Christine Felce
    The Tipping Point
    GPC studios
    50 × 70 cm

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 84 Christine Felce
    Via Us
    GPC studios
    50 × 70 cm

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 85 Christine Felce
    R is For Revolution
    GPC studios
    35 × 50 cm

    The large letters are hand made colographs and were part of a community led Alphabet installation September 2019 in Stroud. Titled 'R is for revolution' The question posed to the general public was ' What does revolution mean to you personally? The people of Stroud replied and contributed to the installation with letterpress streamers, the installation then became a venue for poetry, music and DJ events. I am now using the collagraphed alphabet together with letterpress to create an activist series of posters with my prime inspiration being climate change, green economics and the environment.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 86 Harry Richmond
    Privatisation Receipt
    Big A, Little a Press
    24 × 42 cm

    A call to end the privatisation of British Industry, and to Save the NHS. Sold industries are shown as items on a receipt, with the dates they were sold as prices. Letterpressed using polymer plates in 2 layers on rich Adiron Blue 270g paper stock.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 87 Hannah Byles
    Listen to the kids
    The Arts University Bournemouth
    29.2 × 41 cm

    My children and their future are the inspiration behind the protest poster. Mediums are Woodblock and digital.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 88 Joseph Warin
    Us and Them
    The Arts University Bournemouth
    33 × 46 cm

    Letterpress printing with furniture and wood type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 89 Alistair Wotton
    Fuck Tha Police
    Heavy Rotations
    50 × 37 cm

    Printed metallic silver on cotton rag paper. This print was made with the sad realisation that all the positive changes I had expected as a teenager have not materialised. The oppression and systemic abuse and murder of black people has continued as it has for centuries.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 90 Alistair Wotton
    Sound of da Police
    Heavy Rotations
    29 × 50 cm

    Printed metallic silver on cotton rag paper. This print was made with the sad realisation that all the positive changes I had expected as a teenager have not materialised. The oppression and systemic abuse and murder of black people has continued as it has for centuries.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 91 Klara Vith
    Das ist das Haus
    50 × 70 cm

    Letterpress Triptych 1/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 92 Klara Vith
    Das ist das Haus
    50 × 70 cm

    Letterpress Triptych 2/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 93 Klara Vith
    Das ist das Haus
    50 × 70 cm

    Letterpress Triptych 3/3. A comment on social housing by collaborative project p_e_a_k_a_y_, which is Paul Wardski and Klara Vith. Edition of 10.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 94 Katherine and Andrea Fries
    This is Not a Moment
    30 × 45 cm

    Inspired by and created to take part in the city and nationwide protests for racial equality. Black Lives Matter. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 95 Katherine and Andrea Fries
    Love Wins
    30 × 45 cm

    Celebrating the 5th and 6th Anniversaries of Marriage Equality in the state of Indiana and the United States. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 96 Katherine and Andrea Fries
    Good Trouble
    30 × 45 cm

    Celebrating the life of John Lewis and his important work for racial equality in the United States. His words are as important now as when he first said them. Handset wood and metal type, printed on a Vandercook Universal II, on French Paper.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 97 John Spencer

    56 × 38 cm

    Woodletter transferred to lithographic stone with letterpress.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 98 John Spencer
    Divine Right

    38 × 54 cm

    Letterpress with relief print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 99 Mark Pavey
    What Truth Lies Beneath The Surface
    Dead Methods
    30 × 40 cm

    One colour letterpress print. Created by transferring a reversed linocut of the word LIES onto an inker brayer, before then rolling the brayer across the paper to create the positive printed background. Wood type was then overprinted on top.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 100 Mark Pavey
    It Is Not Words That Lie
    Dead Methods
    30 × 40 cm

    Four Colour Linocut and Letterpress Print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 101 Mark Pavey
    New Beginnings
    Dead Methods
    20 × 29 cm

    Two Colour Letterpress Print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 102 Michael Hepher
    Gender is a Construct
    Clawhammer Press
    30.5 × 46 cm

    I printed this poster on Neenah Enviro100 cover stock using hand-set wood type. The oblique typeface I used creates a cool double-angled motion that was an idea I've carried for a while in my head that was re-ignited by your 'Protest Posters' wordmark: using the opposite angles to play on in idea. This idea grew out of my own process of breaking down my culturally-taught binary gender system to allow room for diversity in my mind, and in my life. It's hard work, but we need to fight to change this so that kids, teens, and adults have the opportunity to be their authentic selves and be accepted, and welcomed.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 103 Carl Middleton
    29.7 × 42 cm

    Two colour letterpress print - responding to the inability of government to empathise with the day-today experiences of the electorate.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 104 Carl Middleton
    Spill Ink not Blood
    45 × 64 cm

    Single colour letterpress print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 105 Carl Middleton
    The Poor
    45 × 64 cm

    Single colour letterpress print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 106 Tennille Shuster
    Vote Smart
    Mercer University
    23 × 35 cm

    Poster printed with handset wood and metal type on a Provisional Press using Revere Suede paper with white and red ink encouraging people to vote smart, in opposition to the current president that is anything but.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 107 Alice White
    Do You Speak My Language?

    42 × 59.4 cm

    Woodcut print on paper. Do you speak my language? loudly celebrates the many languages spoken everyday across the UK. It was conceived as a protest print against a racist sign titled ’Happy Brexit Day’ that was put up in communal hallways on 31st January 2020. The inward-looking, disheartening and polarising sign demanded that all residents speak the ‘Queen’s English’ or leave.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 108 David Armes
    Anew A New
    Red Plate Press
    30 × 30 cm

    Inequalities are systemic. Therefore, the system that produced the inequality is broken. Therefore, a new system is required.

    The artist's portion of any sales will be donated to Manchester-based charity RECLAIM: "RECLAIM is a youth leadership and social change organisation. We exist to create a society in which being from a working-class background no longer presents barriers to achievement, success, or influence."

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 109 David Armes
    Red Plate Press
    50 × 35 cm

    This work explores semantics and the speed with which seemingly neutral language can move sequentially into a clear judgement. It started with imagery created from a collagraph matrix and Monoblox shapes. That imagery generated a simple phrase - "symbols trapped in repeat motion" - which was printed and overprinted repeatedly. That phrase was then put through online translation software from English into five different languages (chosen at random) and then back into English. This process was repeated four times in sequence using each new phrase. The result is the four different phrases that are overlaid onto the original: "caught in repeated movements", "symptoms of imbalance appear", "signs of prejudice", "signs of inequality".

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 110 Dave Darcy
    Play It Fuckin' Loud
    One Strong Arm
    40 × 52 cm

    Three colour linocut letterpress print. Inspired by one of the most famous exchanges in Rock 'n' Roll history. In 1966, in the Free Trade Hall in Manchester, a disgruntled fan shouts 'Judas', and after some back-and-forth Dylan turns to his band and tells them to 'PLAY IT FUCKIN' LOUD' - before launching into a blistering version of 'Like a Rolling Stone'. So, in a sense, it's Dylan protesting a fan's protest about Dylan not playing protest songs... protest x3.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 111 Dave Darcy
    Our Solidarity
    One Strong Arm
    32 × 45 cm

    One Strong Arm teamed up with GCN and Evgeny Shtorn to create a print to celebrate Pride and support Ireland’s LGBT+ press. Printed in 5 colour split fountain, with wood and metal type.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 112 Dave Darcy
    Trust Women
    One Strong Arm
    38 × 52 cm

    This print was produced in response to the The National Print Museum's show entitled “Print, Protest and The Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print”. Inspired by the protest posters from 1918, and exploring the parallels with contemporary issues connected to women's rights. Created at a pivotal time in Irish history, as Ireland attempted to come to grips with national feelings about reproductive rights.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 113 Arcangela Regis
    Ecocide is a crime
    Lauren Press
    42 × 29.7 cm

    Without nature we are condemned to perish, therefore ecocide is a crime against humanity.

    Fortunately, nature will rise again from our ashes, as has happened in Hiroshima (Hibakujumoku Trees) and in Chernobyl (exclusion zone's new biodiversity).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 114 Tiny Risselada
    Break fake news
    40 × 57 cm

    Laser letters wood

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 115 Tiny Risselada
    If you can read this you are to close
    40 × 57 cm

    Etching paper, van Son ink, font: Falstaff, mask

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 116 Ian Mortimer
    I. M. Imprimit
    79.4 × 59.4 cm

    I wanted an opportunity to give my 66-line pica large Clarendon Condensed an outing: `say it in TYPE' was already set up and proofed when I heard Ben Comeau's masterly 6-part Baroque fugue `Boris Johnson is a lying shit'. The fugue's repeated text suggested my border setting in the very condensed 10-line pica sans-serif - also called Grotesque!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 117 Stéphane de Schrevel
    To Protest and to Lurve
    A Cunning Plan Press
    47 × 64 cm

    A triptych featuring a sarcastic take on 'To Protect and to Serve', the motto of the American police.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 118 Marit Brandsnes
    Arbeiderbevegelsens folkehøgskole
    21 × 297 cm

    Letterpress printed with woodtype on a grafix

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 119 Helen Ingham
    Reclaim Printing Presses
    Hi-Artz Press
    32 × 45 cm

    Wooden Poster Type, 120gsm pulp paper. The printing press directly led to a large scale increase in literacy and the widespread dissemination of information after Gutenberg, also the promotion of democratic ideas through revolutionaries such as Tom Paine. In this age, where we are increasingly monitored through digital communication, I feel the traditionally printed political broadside and pamphlet are due a revival. This work is not valuable in itself and the materials used are not of high quality, however it can easily be destroyed by burning, once the message has been received. Letterpress also has very little impact on the environment, unlike many other reprographic processes.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 120 Julieta Adame
    Not Afraid
    Pixel Press
    43.5 × 69 cm

    Inspired on a conversation about the malaises inherited by colonisation, pointing the sheer fear of sometimes standing up to slurs, stereotypes, insults or abuse on behalf of others that are in a more fragile standing than us at that particular moment. We are both foreigners on our countries of choice, but also non-black people of colour, one of us is a woman, one of us is Jewish.

    We are not Afraid is printed in bold dynamic letters, yet printed on a fragile 100gsm Conqueror Air that conveys that sense of fragility.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 121 Julieta Adame
    You are not alone
    Pixel Press
    45 × 70 cm

    This trio of posters were designed as a collaboration with the artist Victoria Maria Bee from Lubbock Texas as a conjoint effort to support the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. as part of 'Printmaking As Resistance' during the Spring of 2020.

    The challenge designing these posters was to try to understand the magnitude of the abuses that the black communities face in the U.S., as non-black person of colour I've faced racial and gender discrimination, but I am quite certain never at the level of a black person. I wanted them to be 'positive' to remove them from the media portrayal of the demonstrators that were being labelled as savages, ransackers and provocateurs. Black communities or minorities it seems always have to choose to be either 'the better man', the contained ones but at the same time 'be angry'.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 122 Sergei Besov
    Partisan Press / Demon Press
    50 × 70 cm

    Protest poster printed in March 11th 2020 after Putin was supposed to be a president more times. And that was a reason to change Constitution. This poster worked very well more times during 2020 in Russia. Printed with original Cyrillic woodtype, offset paper Impact 80 gsm, one color (red vintage Hungarian 1989), 10 copies.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 123 Andrew Long
    What happened to Snowball?
    Long Brothers
    42 × 59.4 cm

    Inspired by George Orwell's book, Animal Farm, which touches on ideas of freedom, rebellion and the corruption of power. Although, published in 1945, common themes of this book are very much present in todays society. What really happened to Snowball?

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 124 Andrew Long
    Long Brothers
    42 × 59.4 cm

    Whether we like it or not, politics will continue to influence and shape the society and world that we live in. It's questionable how positive or negative this influence will be. One thing I am certain about, when it comes to trumps, I will always pick mine over that one in America!

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 125 Paul Crawley
    Wake up and small the lies
    Work and Turn Collective
    32 × 45 cm

    A rallying cry to people to wake up and realise their leaders lie and mislead them on a daily basis to suit their own political agendas. This print was created on a western proofing press and uses a combination of wood letter type, ornament and laser cut plates.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 126 Paul Crawley
    Stuck in the middle
    Work and Turn Collective
    32 × 45 cm

    We really are stuck in a place we never thought we'd end up. With the crazy people in charge. Utilising the classic lyrics from Stealers Wheel to highlight the constant barrage of utter idiots we proferred as our political leaders to guide and support us. Is it any wonder the world is struggling?

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 127 Paul Crawley
    Just answer the question
    Work and Turn Collective
    32 × 45 cm

    Inspired by the wonderful penmanship of Nick Lowe. 'As I walk through this wicked world searching' for light in the darkness and insanity. I ask myself, is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred and misery? And each time I feel like this inside there's one thing I wanna know, what's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 128 David Vassie
    Pixel Press
    50 × 60 cm

    The embossed laminate paper for this print (original useage unknown) is roughly 50yrs old. Found in a now closed jobbing print shop on the border between Islington and Hackney, North London. It has lasted, in a damp basement for as long I, at the bottom of a pile of various papers almost 3 meteres high, in an almost pristine fashion. London, being my hometown, I can offer no objective opinion on it, as all hometowns form you, so does this one. The prints' history lies in the London riots in 2011, quickly forgotten and concreted over the year after, for the Olympics, except for the subsequent public flogging and vilification of persons involved. The mayor for London had been sacked for lying prior to their appointment. The trickle down promised, was more a drought. You could squat, be educated at a university for free, maybe even consider buying a property at a reasonable price as little as 50 years ago, when London was considered shit. So yes, let's make London shit again.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 129 David Vassie
    Disco Sucks
    Pixel Press
    45 × 60 cm

    Disco Sucks was a movement founded by the Dj Steve Dahl in Chicago. 'Dahls' campaigning was far from unique. Dislike for disco was everywhere. The rock generation saw it as the antithesis of all that was holy: no visible musicians, no 'real' stars, no 'live' performances. It was music based wholly on consumption, music with no aesthetic purpose, indeed with no purpose at all other than making your body twitch involuntarily. Dehumanising, expressionless, content-less - the judgements were daming.' 'Disco simply underwent some cosmetic enhancements, changed its' name a couple of times, and had its' mail forwarded to a less glitzy neighbourhood.'

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 130 Joe Lane
    BE IN

    42 × 59.4 cm

    BE IN, BE IN, BE IN, BE IN! We must BE ACTIVE participants in our society! BEING is existing! As we enter unknown futures we must activate, we must strive to take control over the information we consume and the steps that we take. To change our society we must do more than participate in protest we must define the protest. To do this we, as a society must BE IN! We must BE - Involved, Influential, International, Inspirational, Industrious, Inquisitive, Individual, Innovative, Informed, Invincible. Buckminster Fuller said "You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” Our new model must be created by an informed and engaged society, apathy is the enemy of our protest, the enemy of our future. BE IN, BE IN, BE IN, BE IN! Letterpress Print. Printing using Wood Type, Metal Type and Brass Rules using fluorescent orange and grey inks on Munken Lynx Rough 170gsm.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 131 Andy Kinnear
    The Dreamxax Factory
    45 × 60 cm

    My posters are a response to the current state of the UK political environment. Referencing the empemera of the 18th century broadside and 20th century Socialist posters of the Soviet era. 'The Truth' was made in response to a personal situation but is both liberately ambiguous and a blatant simple statement to be read as the viewer takes it. 'Revolt' is not a call to action but rather a prediction of the future should we continue on the path we find ourselves. 'Pull em Off' is in support of the movement of removing offensive sculptures from elevated positions. The grinning skeleton is both comical yet mocking the viewer. It's time has come.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 132 Ruth Kirkby
    Apopolypse Now
    The Caseroom SWG3
    32 × 45 cm

    Wood type and collagraph print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 133 Ruth Kirkby
    Apopolypse Now ii
    The Caseroom SWG3
    32 × 45 cm

    Wood type and collagraph print

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 134 Martin Hofseth and Stener Vaagland
    The police is protecting the racists
    30 × 45 cm

    The poster is printed on a printing press in Halden, Norway. It was made by Stener Vaagland and Martin Hofseth, and was inspired by the recent protests in Norway against SIAN (Stop the islamification of Norway). It contains the word "police" printed on top of the word "racists" and illustrates the police standing in front of the racists, protecting them and giving them a platform to preach hate and burn holy books etc.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 135 Hannah Ødegård and Kainat Jawaid
    Senk husleia (Lower the rent)
    42 × 59.4 cm

    Recently there's been a demand from students and young adults around Norway to lower the housing rent which has increased exponentially the past decade. Not only is it nearly impossible for first time buyers to get in the housing market, but even the rent market is incredibly expensive. Additionally, the apartments/houses for rent are often in bad condition, with little space. Instead of getting your own place, you often have to settle for shared housing, despite working full time. This protest poster was made as a response to that. It was pressed three times. first with wood type in fluorescent pink. then the frame with lead type and then finally the linocut man that was hand rolled on. It was made by Hannah Ødegård and Kainat Jawaid, two graphic design students from Oslo National Academy of the Arts at Halden Print Workshop.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 136 Alan Kitching
    Black Lives Matter
    The New Typography Workshop
    57.5 × 84 cm

    Edition size: 20. Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 137 Alan Kitching
    Why Iraq?
    The New Typography Workshop
    64 × 76 cm

    Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 138 Alan Kitching
    For *U*K’s Sake Stop Brexit
    The New Typography Workshop
    57 × 76.5 cm

    Courtesy of Advanced Graphics London

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 139 Ben Blount
    Stop Killing

    31.75 × 48.25 cm

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 140 Ben Blount
    Knees off Necks

    31.75 × 48.25 cm

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 141 Ben Blount

    31.75 × 48.25 cm

    Letterpress on paper from wood and metal type

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 142 Dennis Gould
    Fukkin Frakkin
    Anarchist Press
    22 × 39 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 143 Dennis Gould
    We Are All Migrants and Refugees
    Anarchist Press
    34 × 22.5 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 144 Dennis Gould
    Stay International
    Anarchist Press
    21 × 41 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 145 Jamie Murphy
    Trust Women
    The Salvage Press
    38 × 53 cm

    This broadside was produced for the National Print Museum in response to their exhibition ‘Print, Protest and the Polls: The Irish women’s suffrage campaign and the power of print media, 1908– 1918’. The piece was made in advance of the looming Irish abortion referendum. Proceeds from the sale of this work were / are split evenly between the museum and Women's Aid. Printed on the centenary of the first female vote in Ireland. The type is 24D Méridien. 100 copies were printed on 170gsm Zerkall.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 146 Myrna Keliher
    Let Justice be Primary
    Expedition Press
    30.5 × 45.7 cm

    Poetry excerpt by Hayden Carruth, letterpress printed from handset metal type and wood rule on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press. From Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey, Copper Canyon Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 147 Myrna Keliher
    Reading Not Swiping
    Expedition Press
    20.3 × 25.4 cm

    Letterpress printed from handset wood type on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 148 Myrna Keliher
    Expedition Press
    21.6 × 124.5 cm

    Poem by June Jordan, letterpress printed from handset metal and wood type on a 1906 Colt's Armory Press in collaboration with Sabina Smith. From Directed by Desire, Copper Canyon Press.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 149 Federico Cimatti
    Prensa la Libertad
    70 × 100 cm

    Self-management has to survive the partial eclipse that the struggle for power has imposed over vast sectors of the world. In the middle of this confusion to impose the violent power, today self-management rises as a hope towards the self-knowledge of the personal sphere and its powerful collective instance expressed in the exchange of ideas. Due to this type of techno-centrifugal speed to which we are subjected, we still can't fully appreciate the importance of realizing our identity through an independent project.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 150 Federico Cimatti
    La Lucha
    Prensa la Libertad
    45 × 65 cm

    The fight is a collective poem called freedom, we are writing it

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 151 Federico Cimatti
    Nunca Seré Policía
    Prensa la Libertad
    70 × 100 cm

    I will never be a police officer

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 152 Voicot
    Somos la especie en peligro de extinguirlo todo

    75 × 110 cm

    We are the species in danger of extinguishing everything.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 153 Voicot
    Violencia es comer animales

    75 × 110 cm

    Violence is eating animals.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 154 Voicot
    Hagamos la revolución

    75 × 110 cm

    Let’s make the revolution.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 155 Graham Bignell
    New North Press
    39 × 69 cm

    A pertinent quote from American author and critic, Marya Mannes. First printed in 2014 at the Letterpress Workers conference using Italian type there, Graham has revisited this poster, resetting it in wood type from the New North Press library.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 156 Richard Ardagh
    Life Not Likes
    New North Press
    29.7 × 420 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 157 Blast Design / Kelvyn Smith
    Love & Hate
    The New Typography Workshop
    42 × 59.4 cm

    We all know that nothing divides opinion quite like Brexit, with the possible exception of the nation’s festive ‘favourite’ the humble sprout. In late November 2018 the Blast team set off for another outing to The New Typography Workshop, to create the year’s Christmas poster. Following our 2916 letterpress adventure we tried hard not to mention Brexit, but somehow it felt unavoidable, with the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement hanging over the nation. The poster is designed to be displayed either way up, expressing your opinion on Europe (or is it sprouts?).

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 158 Blast Design / Kelvyn Smith
    Brexit & Trump
    The New Typography Workshop
    42 × 59.4 cm

    2016 had been an awful year. Britain exited the EU and everyone responsible left us in the lurch. America simply left us wondering ‘WTF?!’ So when the Blast team set off to get our hands dirty and create a festive letterpress poster, we thought it appropriate to make our own statement – using big wooden letters and gold ink.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 159 OPX
    New North Press
    46 × 64 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 160 Rick Griffith

    30.5 × 46 cm

    Consequences need to become the conversation if White people want to have the power to ally with Black and other people of color. So here's the fucking poster, put it up – and make it true. Typography: Barlow/Jeremy Tribby

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 161 Rick Griffith

    42.5 × 58 cm

    Printed the week after the murder of George Floyd for Denver rallies and protests at Genghis Kern, Denver CO.

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 162 Rick Griffith
    Unfuck this

    32 × 48 cm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 163 Stephen Kenny
    Printer's Devil
    45 × 64 cm

    Printed using a mixture of original wood blocks from the 1960s and newly made wood blocks for the Chinese characters. This statement is now band in HK and could have you imprisoned. I stand by my HK brothers for freedom of speech and against the lies of the Chinese govenment.

    Edition Printed on Milkweed 110gsm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.

  • 164 8273
    Printer's Devil
    45 × 63.5 cm

    Type that is set on the bed of a press and ‘locked in place’ is know as a ‘lockup’. We are all in ‘Lockdown’ as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. ‘LOCKDOWN LOCKUPS’ are a series of collaborative letterpress prints inspired by and made during ‘Lockdown’ in London 2020.

    All the work is made in isolation. A future souvenir of this strange and uncertain time. This is the 5th in a series of collaborations between the Printer’s Devil and invited creatives. This is 8273, based in Fukuoka in the south of Japan. 8273 is my lucky number.

    Edition Printed on Milkweed 118gsm

    To enquire about purchasing this poster, please get in touch.